We are a Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining Community
There are so many things to tell someone interested in the Lake Heritage community. Our Governance page explains our organization’s structure and governing Board of Directors, each elected by the community for a three-year term. To a very large extent, Lake Heritage is self-sustaining, independent of external funding, and self-maintaining. For example, if a road needs to be resurfaced or plowed and sanded due to ice, we do the work and pay for it.

A Controlled-Access Community
Lake Heritage is a controlled-access community. LHPOA property is not open to the public. Residents are issued parking stickers which change yearly. If you are a guest of a resident or making a delivery, you need to provide the guard on duty with information including whom you’re visiting and where you’re going. The result of this precaution is that no one enters the property unless they have been properly identified.
Safe speeds on the roads are clearly marked and posted. On the lake, we have our own pontoon boat to patrol and enforce our rules and regulations. Our security force patrols the property routinely and makes note of changing conditions. So the process of security reaches beyond the gatehouse and extends into the whole community.
Service Providers
We receive our water from the Pennsylvania American Water Company. Our sewer service (there are no longer any septic systems) is provided by the White Run Municipal Authority. Our trash is picked up weekly by Parks Garbage Service weekly and our recycling, semi-weekly.
Security and Fire Protection
Our security staff watches over LHPOA property and controls who comes into our community. More serious matters are referred to the Pennsylvania State Police. We are served by three fire companies: Barlow, Gettysburg, and Littlestown.
Our children attend either the Gettysburg or Littlestown School Districts, depending on their township. Some attend private and parochial schools. There is bus service and most students are picked up within one or two blocks of their homes. Institutions of higher learning in close proximity include Gettysburg College and Harrisburg Community College, Gettysburg Campus.
Fishing and Boating
All lake residents have access to the lake. Having a lakefront property assures access but there are various ramps located in common areas from which boats, canoes, or kayaks may be launched. Vehicles and boats are registered in the main office on a yearly basis, and stickers are required. Besides Lake Heritage Rules and Regulations, there are state laws and regulations that apply. Residents are permitted to fish but a license is required for those over sixteen years of age. Find out more about Pennsylvania State Fishing License.
Health Providers
There are numerous health providers in the area. Of special note is WellSpan Health, which is a multi-county regional consortium of health care providers and locations. Gettysburg Hospital is eleven minutes by car from the LHPOA Community Center. For more specific contact information, including phone numbers, visit the Resident Information page.
Help Us Help Others
We very much encourage you to contribute your ideas about what residents old and new should know. If we have omitted anything, please send us a note, and we will give your suggestion every consideration.