
LHPOA, Lake Heritage Property Owners’ Association, is self-governing. There is an elected Board of Directors who collectively have duties and responsibilities similar to a town council.

The Board of Directors has a president, vice-president, treasurer, and a secretary. Our Community Manager current acts our parliamentarian. In a yearly election, each household votes for one or more candidates who, when elected, have a three-year term of office. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month in a public forum to conduct LHPOA business and to decide matters related to the administration and finances of the lake. Many of the directors chair committees which help divide the work and engage community members in The Lake’s operations. Committees change to suit the current needs of The Association. We current have the following committees:

      • Finance Committee
      • Nominating Committee
      • Pool Committee
      • Strategic Planning Committee
      • Rules Maintenance Committee
      • Access & Patrol Committee
      • Lake & Dam Committee
      • Maintenance Committee
      • IT Committee

We also utilize task forces to research and complete short-term projects. Our current task forces include:

    • The Spillway Upgrade Task Force
    • The Rules Task Force
    • The Drainage Task Force
    • The Lake Draw Down Task Force

In addition, the board employs a community manager who runs the everyday operations of the LHPOA, assists and advises in all matters of governance, and manages LHPOA employees.


Lake Heritage Governing Documents | Click to download

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